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The Warrior’s Guide To Thrive

My teenage beliefs of health were purely physical. I played football in high school and college thinking “that’s what real men do.” I didn’t know (or care about) the long term impact it would have on my body. I loved the aggressive, barbaric aspects of the sport. And I saw the men in the NFL akin to Greek Gods. To me, that’s what elite men looked like. So I set my sights on the NFL and worked hard to make that happen.

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We all have a handful of basic needs: to be loved, to belong, to be heard, to be seen and to matter.* Unfortunately, many of us are not getting these needs met. I believe that is largely due to our Mind, Body and Spirit Health. In this article, I will be discussing Mind Health: what it is, what it will do for you and how to start developing it.

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Spirit Health is the extent to which we are able to connect to a greater power or our creator and be in harmony with that power. I believe the stronger our Spirit Health is the better we are able to define our life purpose and live the life we are meant.

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