
My teenage beliefs of health were purely physical. I played football in high school and college thinking “that’s what real men do.” I didn’t know (or care about) the long term impact it would have on my body. I loved the aggressive, barbaric aspects of the sport. And I saw the men in the NFL akin to Greek Gods. To me, that’s what elite men looked like. So I set my sights on the NFL and worked hard to make that happen.

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We all have a handful of basic needs: to be loved, to belong, to be heard, to be seen and to matter.* Unfortunately, many of us are not getting these needs met. I believe that is largely due to our Mind, Body and Spirit Health. In this article, I will be discussing Mind Health: what it is, what it will do for you and how to start developing it.

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Spirit Health is the extent to which we are able to connect to a greater power or our creator and be in harmony with that power. I believe the stronger our Spirit Health is the better we are able to define our life purpose and live the life we are meant.

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Why are men so scared to do yoga?

Men are missing out BIG TIME! I started doing yoga years ago from the encouragement of a friend. I had never given it any serious consideration as I had always associated yoga with women and tight leggings. My macho ego had dismissed such activities as unbeffiting such a manly man as I. However, the first [...]

Tai Chi Workshop

Saturday, May 19, 2018 @ 12:30pm This workshop is an introduction to Tai Chi.  All ages and experience levels welcome. Tai Chi is known to lower stress, improve flexibility and increase energy.   In this friendly, nurturing environment, you will learn: Basic stretching and warm up exercises  8 Basic moves of Tai Chi How [...]

How I lost 25 lbs

Towards the end of 2015, I had just wrapped up a lengthy and painful custody court process. It took a tremendous mental, emotional and physical toll on me. I spent so much of my energy focusing on the court process, I overlooked a great deal of self care. Over the course of 2015, I put [...]

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